Hi, I'm Tessa

Hi! I am trans. This is my coming out post.


Archivematica default normalization rules

Response to Evelyn McLellan's question about Archivematica's default file format normalization rules on the Archivematica Google Group.


Harvard Library Innovation Lab Fellowship, Part One - What We Talk About When We Talk About PII

This post introduces my work on managing private and sensitive information which began as a 2018 Summer Fellow at the Library Innovation Lab at Harvard University.


CCA Access to Born-Digital Archives User Survey

In order to better understand the needs and desires of the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)'s users regarding access to the born-digital archives, I wrote and distributed a survey in September 2016 to the CCA research community.


BitCurator Users Forum 2017 Talk - Automated Processing of Disk Images and Directories in BitCurator

Slightly revised text of my talk from the 2017 BitCurator Users Forum on the development of the CCA Tools (Disk Image Processor, Folder Processor, and SIP Creator) digital processing utilities.


METSFlask and Human-Friendly Exploration of Archivematica METS Files

What if we could provide an intuitive, familiar user interface for browsing the METS file produced by Archivematica? After pondering what such a thing might look like for a few months, in March of 2017 I decided to try to create a proof of concept web application that would do just that.
