
MS, Library & Information Science, Simmons College, Boston, MA, 2015

BA, English, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2010

Professional Experience

Webrecorder (remote)

Senior Applications and Tools Engineer | September 2022 - current

  • Works with lead developer and other team members to develop and maintain various free and open source Webrecorder applications, including:

    • Browsertrix: High fidelity cloud-native web archiving system implemented in Python/FastAPI (backend), Typescript/Lit/Shoelace (frontend), and Kubernetes
    • Browsertrix Crawler: Web crawler implemented in TypeScript, Node.js, and Puppeteer, running in a single Docker container
    • pywb: Widely-used wayback machine implemented in Python, JavaScript, and Vue.js
    • Client-side WARC/WACZ web archive replay system implemented in TypeScript
    • Chromium extension to create web archives from user-driven behavior in browser, implemented in TypeScript
    • Related tools and libraries
  • Assists with project planning and roadmapping.
  • Creates and updates documentation.

Artefactual Systems (remote)

Software Developer | March 2020 - September 2022

  • Developed software in Python, Javascript, and PHP as part of Artefactual’s Project Delivery team, on the Archivematica and Access to Memory (AtoM) open source projects and related tools.
  • Performed code review of contributions by Artefactual and external developers, requirements analysis, technical documentation, testing, and other development-related tasks.
  • Helped to define the technical architecture needed for particular client solutions.
  • Provided public outreach and community support relating to Archivematica and AtoM as open source projects.
  • Some specific accomplishments:

    • Implemented an rclone storage adapter for the Archivematica Storage Service to support the use of nearly any cloud service provider.
    • Added CAS single sign-on (SSO) support to Archivematica and AtoM.
    • Helped mature and extend AIPscan, a Flask-based reporting application for Archivematica: set architectural patterns in the code base, added new reports, increased unit and integration test coverage significantly (from ~25% to 75% unit test coverage), and made code quality improvements.
    • Implemented several client data migrations from other archival management systems into AtoM.
    • Implemented AtoM frontend themes using Sass, Bootstrap 5, JavaScript, and PHP.
    • Developed auditmatica, a CLI auditing tool based on nginx access logs for Archivematica.

Concordia University Library (Montréal, QC)

Digital Preservation Librarian | August 2018 - February 2020

  • Led Digital Preservation Working Group and worked with library and university stakeholders to develop policies, procedures, strategies and workflows to ensure long-term digital preservation of the Library’s digital assets.
  • Led development of the Library’s technological infrastructure for digital preservation.
  • Provided training, workshops, and instruction on digital preservation and subject areas for classroom, library and online learning environments.
  • Subject librarian and selector for Computer Science & Software Engineering; Mechanical, Industrial & Aerospace Engineering (MIAE); and Music.

Library Innovation Lab at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)

Summer Fellow | June - August 2018

  • Researched management of sensitive personal information in digital archives.
  • Developed early prototype of Bulk Reviewer, an application that aids librarians and archivists in identifying, reviewing, and removing potentially sensitive information in directories and disk images (built in Django, Django REST Framework, and Vue.js).

Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montréal, QC)

Archivist, Digital Archives | June 2015 - May 2018

  • Established standards, policies, and procedures for acquisition, arrangement, description, ingest, preservation, and access of born-digital archives.
  • Hired, trained, and supervised 4 FTE professional archivists. Supervised daily work of a digital archives technician.
  • Lead CCA implementation and managed daily use of a multi-pipeline Archivematica-based digital preservation system.
  • Developed and maintained digital preservation software to enhance CCA’s ability to accession, triage, arrange, describe, and ingest born-digital records.
  • Reviewed, processed, and oversaw processing of archival fonds and collections.
  • Coordinated acquisitions of digital records from donors.

Tufts University, Digital Collections & Archives (Somerville, MA)

Archives and Research Assistant | February 2013 - May 2015 (except May-August 2014)

  • Arranged and described archival collections consisting of paper, audiovisual, and born-digital materials using DACS and flexible MPLP techniques.
  • Provided local and remote (email, phone) reference services for users including students, faculty, alums, staff, genealogists, documentary filmmakers, and professional authors.
  • Welcomed researchers and oversaw access to materials in reading room.
  • Performed metadata cleanup for a number of collections following migration from Re:Discovery to CIDER collection management system.
  • Designed and installed exhibit “Jester Hairston: He and His Talents Prevailed” for Tisch Library lobby.

Harvard Business School, Baker Library Historical Collections (Boston, MA)

Project Assistant | October 2014 - April 2015

  • Prepared materials for digitization, digitized content, and conducted quality control.
  • Assisted Processing Archivists with processing of archives and manuscript collections.

Processing Intern | February 2013 - April 2013

  • Arranged and described two collections of 19th century business records and cataloged several standalone items, creating EAD finding aids and MARC records as appropriate.

University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center (Laramie, WY)

Born-Digital Intern | May 2014 - August 2014

  • Imaged and ingested data from nearly 700 pieces of media spanning 94 collections, including 3.5” and 5.25” floppy disks, Zip disks, CD/DVDs, and hard drives, using digital forensics/preservation software and hardware.
  • Assisted Digital Archivist with research and testing toward the development of new workflows for accessioning and processing born-digital records.
  • Served on committee related to management of born-digital material across the AHC. Helped plan for a dedicated born-digital access terminal in the AHC reading room.


Peer Reviewed

J. Whyte, T. Walsh. “‘Carefully and Cautiously’: How Canadian Cultural Memory Workers Review Digital Materials for Private and Sensitive Information,” Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 2024 (forthcoming).

A. Leventhal, J. Collins, T. Walsh. ”Of Grasshoppers and Rhinos: A Visual Literacy Approach to Born-Digital Design Records,” The American Archivist, Volume 84, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2021.

K. Pendergrass, W. Sampson, T. Walsh, and L. Alagna. ”Toward Environmentally Sustainable Digital Preservation,” The American Archivist, Volume 82, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2019. Additional open access copy available in Harvard DASH.

T. Walsh. ”Efficient appraisal and processing of disk images of legacy digital storage media at the Canadian Centre for Architecture,” Journal of Digital Media Management, Volume 6, Number 4, Summer 2018.

T. Walsh. ”Data-Driven Reporting and Processing of Digital Archives with Brunnhilde,” Practical Technology for Archives, Issue 8, July 2017.

Non-Peer Reviewed

T. Walsh, H. Wilkinson, and I. Kreymer. “High Fidelity Web Archiving of News Sites and New Media with Browsertrix,” IFLA International News Media Conference 2024, proceedings not yet published.

T. Neugebauer, P. Lasou, A. Kosavic, and T. Walsh. ”Digital Preservation Functionality in Canadian Repositories,” Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Open Repositories Report Series, December 2019.

J. Meyerson, Z. Vowell, W. Hagenmaier, A. Leventhal, F. Rios, E. Roke and T. Walsh. ”The Software Preservation Network (SPN): A Community Effort to Ensure Long Term Access to Digital Cultural Heritage,” DLib Magazine 23, no. 5/6, May/June 2017.

T. Walsh. ”How to Access Digital Files From the Nineties,” CCA web feature, April 2017.

T. Walsh. ”Software Preservation Network: Collecting, Processing, and Providing Access to Software,” bloggERS!: The Blog of SAA’s Electronic Records Section, 4 October 2016.

T. Walsh. Session review, ”S10. Providing Access to Born-Digital Materials,” New England Archivists Newsletter 42 (3), July 2015.


Co-instructor (with Aliza Leventhal), Managing Physical & Digital Architecture, Design & Construction Records, Society of American Archivists. Two-day course offered as part of the SAA Arrangement & Description certificate program. Taught: ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2018, Washington, DC, 13-14 August 2018; College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 9-10 March, 2020.

Community counselor, Archivematica Camp Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21-22 June 2018.

Guest lecturer, Preservation Management (GLIS 642), McGill School of Information Studies, Montreal, QC. Lecture on digital preservation strategies and NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation. Semesters: Fall 2020.

Guest lecturer, Digital Curation (GLIS 649), McGill School of Information Studies, Montreal, QC. Lecture on digital preservation strategies and hands-on BitCurator workshop. Semesters: Winter 2018, Winter 2019.

Guest lecturer, Metadata and Access (GLIS 609), McGill School of Information Studies, Montreal, QC. Lecture on Archivematica and preservation metadata. Semesters: Winter 2018, Fall 2018, Fall 2019.

Guest lecturer, Architecture et Information 2.0, Université de Montreal, Montreal, QC. Lecture on digital preservation infrastructures, digital archives as data, and Archaeology of the Digital project. Semesters: Winter 2017, Winter 2018.

“Preserving Removable Digital Media,” online (two-hour webinar), NEDCC. Taught: 4 April 2017.

“Introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Archivists,” online (two-hour webinar), LYRASIS. Taught: 9 March 2017 & 9 September 2017.

Software Development

See information on software projects here.


“High Fidelity Web Archiving of News Sites and New(s) Media with Browsertrix” (with Ilya Kreymer), IFLA International News Media Conference 2024, remote presentation, 30 May 2024.

Invited participant, consultative meeting on Governance of AI for the Environment and Sustainable Development, UN Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (AIAB), online, 20 May 2024.

“Machine-Assisted Quality Assurance in Browsertrix” (with Ilya Kreymer), IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2024, Paris, France, 26 April 2024.

“Workshop: Introduction to Quality Assurance with Browsertrix” (with Ilya Kreymer, Henry Wilkinson), IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2024, Paris, France, 25 April 2024.

“Reckoning with the environmental impact of digital preservation,” Digital Sobriety in Information Management seminar, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, 17 April 2024.

Sustaining pywb through community engagement and renewal: recent roadmapping and development as a case study in open source web archiving tool sustainability”, IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2023, Hilversum, Netherlands, 12 May 2023.

“Browser-Based Crawling For All: Getting Started with Browsertrix Cloud” (assisted participants with use of Browsertrix Cloud, with Ilya Kreymer, Anders Klint Myrvoll, and Andy Jackson), IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2023, Hilversum, Netherlands, 12 May 2023.

Digital Tools for Privacy and Confidentiality: Bulk Reviewer Demo and Q&A” (online webinar), Society of American Archivists Privacy & Confidentiality Section, 16 November 2021.

Enacting Environmentally Sustainable Preservation” (online webinar with Keith Pendergrass, Walker Sampson, and Laura Alagna), Digital Preservation Coalition, 3 April 2020.

“Bulk Reviewer” (webinar), BitCurator Consortium monthly meeting, 22 November 2019.

“Enacting Environmentally Sustainable Digital Preservation” (workshop with Keith Pendergrass and Laura Alagna), BitCurator Users Forum 2019, New Haven, CT, 24 October 2019.

Brunnhilde demonstration, Great Digital Preservation Bake-Off, International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19 September 2019.

“Steal this Workflow: Scaling Up Your Digital Preservation Program Through Automation” (three-hour education session with Stefana Breitwieser and Sarah Romkey), Association of Canadian Archivists 2019 Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, 6 June 2019.

Episode 7: International Implications” (with Ariel Katz, Peter Jaszi, and Krista Cox), Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Software Preservation: Webinar Series. Association of Research Libraries/Software Preservation Network, 8 April 2019.

Building REST API-backed Single Page Applications (SPAs) with Vue.js”, Code4Lib 2019, San Jose, CA, 20 February 2019.

Coping with complex digital objects: from acquisition to access” (video; two hour seminar on development of a digital preservation program and digital archives software tools/workflows at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, with Martien de Vletter, Stefana Breitweiser, Mireille Nappert, and Alexandra Jokinen), Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, QC, 18 January 2019.

Bulk Reviewer: A Software Application for Managing Sensitive Information in Digital Archives” (lightning talk), @Risk North 2: Digital Collections, Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Montreal, QC, 9 November 2018.

Panel moderator, ”Centralize it!: Creating Infrastructure to Support Digital Preservation”, iPRES 2018, Boston, MA, 25 September 2018.

Bulk Reviewer” (lightning talk), iPRES 2018, Boston, MA, 25 September 2018.

Managing the Environmental Impact of Digital Preservation” (lightning talk, with Keith Pendergrass, Walker Sampson, and Laura Alagna), iPRES 2018, Boston, MA, 25 September.

“Bulk Reviewer”, New Works: Library Innovation Lab Summer Fellow showcase, Harvard Law School, Boston, MA, 2 August 2018.

Software Collection Development” (with Anne-Marie Trépanier, Paula Jabloner, Patricia Falcao), Software Preservation Webinar, Digital Preservation Coalition/Software Preservation Network, 2 May 2018.

Archiving Digital Architectural Heritage Experts Meeting, Het Nieuewe Instituut, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 20 March 2018.

“Preservation and Access to Born-Digital Architectural Records: Issues and the CCA Approach,” Save As: Archiving Born-Digital Architectural Materials, SALT Galaga, Istanbul, Turkey (presentation by video conference), 1 December 2017.

Closing remarks, Designing the Future Landscape: Digital Architecture, Design and Engineering Assets, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 16 November 2017.

“ADE Formats Primer” (with Aliza Leventhal and Katie Pierce Meyer), Designing the Future Landscape: Digital Architecture, Design and Engineering Assets, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 16 November 2017.

Software-Driven Workflows for Efficient Processing of Large-Scale Digital Archives,” ARCHIVES 2017, Session 201: The Future of Appraisal and Processing of Digital Materials: Software, Strategies and Scalability, Portland, OR, 27 July 2017.

Automated Processing of Disk Images and Directories in BitCurator,” BitCurator Users Forum, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, 28 April 2017.

Selecting an Access and Digital Preservation Platform for Humanities Research in Audio and Video Format: Avalon & Archivematica,” (with Jared Wiercinski and Tomasz Neugebauer), Literary Audio Symposium, Concordia Univeristy, Montreal, QC, 3 December 2016.

“Session 309 - DWG, RVT, BIM: A New Kind of Alphabet Soup, with a Lot More Heartburn,” Session Chair, ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2016, Society of American Archivists, Atlanta, GA, 5 August 2016.

“Archaeology of the Digital & Digital Archives at CCA,” Museum Archives Section Symposium on Born Digital, ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2016, Atlanta, GA, 3 August 2016.

“Session 4: Partnerships,” Software Preservation Network Forum, Atlanta, GA, 1 August 2016.

Introducing Brunnhilde: A reporting tool for digital archives,” TAATU 2016, Montreal, QC, 1 June 2016.

Catching Up With the Present: Archiving born-digital records of architecture and design,” Born-Digital Symposium, University of South Australia Architecture Museum, 19 April 2016.

Archaeology of the Digital and born-digital archives at CCA,” Born-Digital Symposium, University of South Australia Architecture Museum, 18 April 2016.

“99% Digital: CAD & Architectural Archives,” 4th Annual Simmons College Graduate Symposium, Boston, MA, March 2015.

“Democratizing Archives: Digital Libraries and the Expansion of the Archival User Base” (with Leah Edelman and Elizabeth McGorty), 3rd Annual Simmons College Graduate Symposium, Boston, MA, April 2014.

“Democratizing Archives: Digital Libraries and the Expansion of the Archival User Base” (with Leah Edelman and Elizabeth McGorty), University of Indiana-Bloomington SAA Student Chapter Conference, Bloomington, IN, March 2014.

Grants and Awards

Finalist, Dutch Digital Heritage Network Award for Teaching and Communications (with co-authors Keith Pendergrass, Walker Sampson, and Laura Alagna), Digital Preservation Coalition Digital Preservation Awards, 2020.

Society of American Archivists Fellows’ Ernst Posner Award (with co-authors Keith Pendergrass, Walker Sampson, and Laura Alagna), 2020.

National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Individual Innovation Award (since renamed to NDSA Excellence Award), 2019.

Canadian Association of Research Libraries Research in Librarianship Grant, Practicing Librarian, 2019. “National review of current workflows and methods for identifying sensitive information in digital collections” (with Jess Whyte). Amount awarded: $1,000.

Concordia University Library Research Grant, 2019. “Bulk Reviewer: a software application for identifying and managing private and sensitive information in digital archives.” Amount awarded: $4,000.

Summer Fellowship, Library Innovation Lab at Harvard Law School, 2018.



  • Languages: English (fluent), French (just shy of fluent)

Software Development

  • Programming languages: Python, JavaScript, Typescript, SQL, PHP, bash
  • Backend frameworks: FastAPI, Django, Django REST Framework, Django Channels, Flask
  • Static site generators: Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll
  • Front end: Vue.js, LitElement, Shoelace, CSS3, Tailwind, Flexbox, Bootstrap, jQuery
  • Markup languages: HTML5, XML/XSLT, JSON, Markdown, YAML
  • Version control: git, Github
  • Continuous integration: GitHub Actions, TravisCI, tox
  • Databases: SQLite, MySQL, Mongo, SQLAlchemy
  • GUI Frameworks: PyQt
  • Operating Systems: Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Containers: Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes

Digital Preservation

  • Digital preservation models/standards: Deep knowledge of OAIS and Trusted Digital Repositories
  • Digital preservation software: Experience implementing and managing daily use and customization of production multi-server Archivematica-based digital preservation repository.
  • Digital forensics: BitCurator, FTK Imager, The Sleuth Kit (TSK), Bulk Extractor, Kryoflux
  • Emulation/virtualization: QEMU, SheepShaver, Basilisk II, VirtualBox, VMWare


  • Archival content standards: DACS, RAD, ISAD(G)
  • Data structure standards: EAD, EAC-CPF, MARC, MODS, METS, PREMIS, Dublin Core
  • Archival processing: Experience arranging and describing large and small collections of paper, audiovisual, and born-digital records independently and collaboratively.
  • Archival reference: Experience helping students, faculty, staff, administrators, professional authors, and genealogists discover and access archival materials relevant to their research interests in person, by phone, and by email.

Professional Service

International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES)

  • Co-Chair, Posters and Demos, iPRES 2019 (Amsterdam)
  • Organizing Committee member, Great Digital Preservation Bake-Off, iPRES 2019 (Amsterdam)

Association of Canadian Archivists

  • Programme Committee member, ACA 2020 (Vancouver, BC)

Society of American Archivists

  • Web Liaison, Design Records Section, 2015 - 2017
  • Member, Design Records Section CAD/BIM Taskforce, 2015 - 2018

Software Preservation Network

  • Coordinator, Documentation Working Group, 2016 - 2018
  • Facilitator, Meeting 2: “Understanding how working groups complement one another”, All-Hands Strategy Meetings, January 2018
  • Member, Metadata Standards and Policies Working Group, 2016 - 2017
  • Established an Open Science Framework shared documentation repository for Software Preservation Network project members and volunteers.

BitCurator Consortium

  • Member, Software Development Committee, 2017 - 2018

Simmons College, Leveraging Encoded Archival Description Skills (LEADS)

  • Project Volunteer, 2013 - 2014
  • Encoded legacy Simmons College Archives finding aids in EAD and edited for DACS compliance.

SCoSAA (Student Chapter of Society of American Archivists), Simmons College

  • Co-Chair, May 2014 - May 2015
  • Archivist/Secretary, December 2013 - May 2014